Shift Shop Summer

Hi Gorgeous, 

So as some of you may know I've now broken up from work for the summer - it's definitely one of the best perks of being a teacher! So I'm off for 6 weeks - 5 weeks now as we've already had a week off! I thought it would be awesome to share with you my plans for summer. 

Firstly I'm going to be working on creating so much amazing freebies and training for Team Make Dreams Happen - if you want more info email me at 

Make Dreams Happen Wellbeing - this blog and my business will be growing over the summer and making so many epic shifts because it is my intention to provide you with so much information, content, training and insight into the topics that I specialise in. 

The thing's I'm talking about are; Mindset + Fitness + Wellbeing + Positive Vibes!

More specifically; Abundance + Money/Abundance Mindset + Manifesting (Making Dreams Happen) + Fitness + Health + Beachbody Coaching + Leadership Mindset + High Vibe Positivity! 

Now, you may be wondering why I've called this post "Shift Shop Summer" - and it's a good thing to ponder. Beachbody (my awesome organisation that I will be officially signed up with come Autumn 2017!) have just launched their LATEST workout program from new super trainer Chris Downing, and it's called Shift Shop! 

Shift Shop is a 21 day program - 3 weeks, and it builds up in ramped timing. What this means is that the first week you workout for 25 minutes, the second week for 35 minutes, and the final week for 45 minutes. In addition to this you have a full meal guide and nutrition plan based on what YOUR body needs according to your sex, weight, and height.

The beauty of this program is that each week you reduce your intake of carbs and that... THAT is where you get your results whilst still getting all your nutritional requirements. 

So, for the first three weeks of my holiday I'm doing Shift Shop via Beachbody On Demand (Message me for info on how you can get 14 days FREE using BOD). 

I have a FREE fitness accountability group on facebook that you are MORE than welcome to join whether you are doing a Beachbody workout or not. Right now we're a small group of women who are each working on our own fitness and health goals, so we'd love to have you. You'll also get the opportunity to listen/watch some of the BEST training in the industry from the top leaders. All for free.

There is no gimmicks or catches with me. I am here to serve you. I am here to help you Make Dreams Happen. I am here to create happiness and abundance. And I'm here to help you do the same in your life. 

To prove this to you, I have 2 FREE gifts for you!

First up is a FREE worksheet for you to use to manifest and Make Dreams Happen. It's a gratitude worksheet where you literally write down all your goals, dreams and wishes that you want to manifest into your life AS IF YOU ALREADY HAVE THEM. 

This is one of the key tips for manifesting; you have to feel good before you attract the good stuff. You have to be already thankful in your heart and soul so deeply and eternally for the things that you want to attract in your life BEFORE you have them. 

I'm a firm believer that if you desire something, then you can have it because it is already yours. If you can imagine it - that's because it's possible for you. If something is unimaginable then it's not vibing for you at that time. So please, take this worksheet, use it, and Make Dreams Happen. Leave comments below and on facebook about it. Share the link with your friends and get everyone you know on the Manifesting and Make Dreams Happen vibe! 

Next I have an interview with Super Trainer Chris Downing that my UK Team SYSOF took part in. Just head here to watch the interview with Chris Downing 

Lastly - As a super BONUS head over to my Facebook Group for FREE Support & Accountability in your Fitness & Manifestation -Make Dreams Happen Fitness & Wellbeing 

Make sure you sign up to my list to get more amazing freebies, training, Beachbody UK Coaching NEWS & Mindset Training from me all direct to your inbox

Until Next Time,

Make Dreams Happen,

Dawn-Tracy xx 

3 Top Tips to Make Your Day Healthier

Can you incorporate ALL 3 of them? Of course you can!

But do you sometimes forget or struggle to do what little things you know will have a positive impact upon your day?

Wish that someone would help support you, motivate you, be your cheerleader without having to pay them for it?

Call me your fairy godmother!

As a Beachbody Coach here in the UK I am here to help you build a life that you love from the inside out.

What does that mean?
It means that whatever life you want to build yourself starts with;
> Your Mindset
> What You Fuel Your Body With (What you eat & drink)
> What Activity you do Daily
> What Action you Take

If you want support with any or all of those things, and even help finding a workout program to suit you, an eating plan to suit your body, or just someone to really cheer you on with the fitness and healthy programs you're already doing, then head over to my FREE Support and Accountability group here>>>

Until Next Time, 

Keep Making those Dreams Happen! 